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Archive for February, 2008

TOK Essay Marking Critieria – Introduction


Chocolate cake
The TOK Essay is marked against 4 criteria (A-D). I will explain these criteria to sensitize you on what to look out for when you write the essay.

In this edition I will give you a brief introduction into the marking criteria for the TOK essay.

A. Understanding knowledge issues

  • Depth and breadth of understanding: Are you considering different ways of knowing and areas of knowledge and do you explore them in sufficient depth? Are you comparing them?
  • Careful: Is the knowledge issue relevant to the prescribed title?

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What is the “4-Ears Model” of Communication?


According to Psychologist Friedmann Schulz von Thun, when a person talks to another person he/she is passing on four different messages. This communication model is called the “4 Ears Model” and is useful in understanding why people misunderstand each other.

Alice and Bob are both sitting in the car, Alice is driving. They are waiting at an intersection, the traffic light is red and then changes to green.

Bob: The traffic light is green.

Alice: Don’t be so impatient!

… and they start arguing. What went wrong? According to the psychologist Friedemann Schulz von Thun, a message that is passed from one person to another person carries four pieces of information: Continue reading »

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To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.

- Marilyn vos Savant -