TOK Essay Marking Critieria – Introduction


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The TOK Essay is marked against 4 criteria (A-D). I will explain these criteria to sensitize you on what to look out for when you write the essay.

In this edition I will give you a brief introduction into the marking criteria for the TOK essay.

A. Understanding knowledge issues

  • Depth and breadth of understanding: Are you considering different ways of knowing and areas of knowledge and do you explore them in sufficient depth? Are you comparing them?
  • Careful: Is the knowledge issue relevant to the prescribed title?

B. Knower’s perspective

  • Are you including your own experience and relevant examples from your life?
  • Are you aware on how your own perspective is similar/different to other perspectives? Are you able to critically reflect on your own viewpoint?
  • Careful: The essay should not be a mere summary of TOK theory and textbook examples.

C. Quality of analysis of knowledge issues

  • Are the main points and arguments in the essay justified?
  • Are the arguments compelling? Are there and contradictions in the essay?
  • Did you consider counterclaims?
  • Did you identify assumptions?
  • Careful: You will only receive points for those ideas that are relevant to the prescribed title!

D. Organization of ideas

  • Is the world count between 1200-1600 words?
  • Is the essay well organized?
  • Are the facts in the essay correct? Are they properly referenced?
  • Careful: If the essay does not relate to the prescribed title, then criterion D will receive 0 points.

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- Socrates -