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Below you can find a collection of external links relating to Theory of Knowledge. I’ll add more links over time.

General Philosophical and TOK Reading:

  • This website gives an introduction into the Theory of Knowledge in general and explains the essential concepts. It’s a good source for “TOK theory”, and explains philosophical terminology in an understandable manner.
  • The Problems of Philosophy: This is an online version of Bertrand Russell’s well known book. It is very readable and I highly recommend it. It is a good introductory book into the topic.
  • Theory of Knowledge written for The Encyclopaedia Britannica by Bertrand Russell (1926).

IB-TOK Related Reading

Ways of Knowing: Logics

  • Logical Fallacies: Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning. There is a long list of logical fallacies, this site addresses and explains many of them.

Areas of Knowledge: Ethics

General Info

Areas of Knowledge

Ways of Knowing



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There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

- Bertrand Russell -