For Teachers

science human science history arts ethics mathematics essay and presentation teachers logics sense perception emotion language
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This page is dedicated to TOK teachers. I want to share some teaching notes, with the hope that they turn out to be useful.

Downloads and links:

  • Theory-based TOK Syllabus: This is a list of epistemology topics which could be used in the TOK course.
  • TOKMatrix (ver. 1): This is an attempt to link the different Areas of Knowledge with the four Ways of Knowing. I’ll try to keep the matrix updated and add new ideas.

(check again soon, under construction)

General Info

Areas of Knowledge

Ways of Knowing



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analytic | anatomy | anthropology | Areas of Knowledge | Arts | assumptions | axioms | beauty | belief | bias | categorical imperative | certainty | Columbus | communication | consequentialism | creatvity | culture | deontology | determinism | dignity | dilemmas | emotions | enlightenment | essay | Ethics | facts | falsification | frank | General TOK | graphs | Great Minds | guide | History | human | Internal Assessment | jokes | Kant | knowledge | knowledge issues | Language | life | linking | Logics | marking | math | Mathematics | morality | Mpemba | Ockham | opinions | paradigms | paradox | Perception | physicalism | Plato | poetry | Popper | positivism | pragmatism | predicatbility | Presentation | proofs | puzzle | reason | Reflections | relativism | religion | schlick | Science | sense perception | speeches | statistics | syllabus | ted | theorems | theories | tok | TOK Essay | Truth | utilitarianism | variables | Videos | vidoes | vienna circle | Ways of Knowing
The dumbest people I know are those who know it all.

- Malcolm Forbes -