Essay/Pres Help

science human science history arts ethics mathematics essay and presentation teachers logics sense perception emotion language
This section contains a collection of links and downloads to help you with the TOK Essay and Presentation.

TOK Essay Links (this site)

TOK Presentation Links (this site)


The following downloads may prove to be useful (or not). They are not IB approved, use at your own risk, and they do not guarantee a high mark.

  • Essay form – possibility 1: This form should help you get started organizing the TOK Essay. This planning document places a strong emphasis on the different areas of knowledge and ways of knowing. This may not be relevant for all prescribed titles (some of the prescribed titles have a strong emphasis on one one area.)
  • Essay form – possibility 2: A second possibility and a variation of the above form. It is more general than the form above.
  • Presentation Checklist: If you have problems interpreting the marking criteria, then this checklist may help you. The sum of the points does not correspond to the points of the official assessment criteria, however.

General Info

Areas of Knowledge

Ways of Knowing



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analytic | anatomy | anthropology | Areas of Knowledge | Arts | assumptions | axioms | beauty | belief | bias | categorical imperative | certainty | Columbus | communication | consequentialism | creatvity | culture | deontology | determinism | dignity | dilemmas | emotions | enlightenment | essay | Ethics | facts | falsification | frank | General TOK | graphs | Great Minds | guide | History | human | Internal Assessment | jokes | Kant | knowledge | knowledge issues | Language | life | linking | Logics | marking | math | Mathematics | morality | Mpemba | Ockham | opinions | paradigms | paradox | Perception | physicalism | Plato | poetry | Popper | positivism | pragmatism | predicatbility | Presentation | proofs | puzzle | reason | Reflections | relativism | religion | schlick | Science | sense perception | speeches | statistics | syllabus | ted | theorems | theories | tok | TOK Essay | Truth | utilitarianism | variables | Videos | vidoes | vienna circle | Ways of Knowing
I believe, indeed, that overemphasis on the purely intellectual attitude, often directed solely to the practical and factual, in our education, has led directly to the impairment of ethical values.

- Albert Einstein -